Tuesday 1 October 2019

The Growing Dark: expanding my Undead

Greetings, KoWsters!

With 3rd edition fast approaching, my Undead project, which had been on the backburner as work and other "real life stuff" has taken a ton of my time, came back into vogue.

I finally managed to paint up the last of my remaining Revenant Cavalry, bringing me up to two regiments that might be combined into a horde in some future edition that might permit such foolishness.

This project has definitely been the weirdest one of my armies so far, as it is one in which I have scarce played a game as my forces grow ever closer to 2k! I honestly have no idea whether the army I'm building is or will be good now, let alone after Third hits us.

At any rate, the unit which had daunted me for months seemed to paint itself in less than two weeks! Without further ado, I give you the Pale Knights:

Ice, snow and the ruined remains of a more civilized time many years past are the themes for my army's bases, and with this unit I went for a ruined bridgre over a stream. I mounted my undead knights half on the bridge, and half on a ghostly memory of the self-same bridge, summoned from some nightmarish memory long cherished in the dry lands of Death.

I wanted the regiment to look crammed, a surging mass of ghostly knights, packed far tighter than any living riders could be. While I feel like I succeeded relatively well in my goal, I also feel like I created a unit that is almost impossible to photograph in a way that looks something else than a jumbled mess.

I changed the way I paint the armor of my Revenants, replacing the earlier method with a faster one that requires thinner layers and as such dries faster. I rely very much on washes with this army as I went for a theme quick to achieve that looks both uniform and more than meets my "tabletop" standard.

The sigil for my army, the Yr-rune, symbolizes death and ending and on my army it's drawn bright, piercing white on a field of deep, time-worn purple.

The base had two halves, with one half being a half-ruined plank bridge over an icy stream, and the other painted a ghostly green. The ruined half is half covered in snow and besprinkled with icicles, while the ghostly side is far more elaborate, with ghastly braziers hanging suspended mid-air, lit aflame with some malign magic, held in place by heavy chains, while a pale banner flies in an unearthly gale. Everything about the ghostly bridge was intended to be far grander than their living counterparts had ever been.

Yesterday I got a nice little parcel from Mantic that contains what I miss from my 2k, and soon I shall field a grand army of Vengeful Dead!

If I can find an opponent, at any rate.



  1. Lovely unit!
    Also great idea with the bridge. Might have to nick that for some future project :)

    Btw, how have I missed this bloggything altogether! Great stuff!

    1. I shall enjoy the period between you getting the idea and making a cooler bridge than mine.
